Important updates on fall 2021

Dear Niner Nation,
Over the past year, you have stepped up in countless ways to keep our community safe. You have committed to the 6 W’s, faithfully completed the Niner Health Check and followed our rigorous testing protocols. Your dedication and cooperation have helped us keep our virus transmission low and our campus open. Thank you.
We now turn our attention to planning for the fall 2021 semester.
The rates of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations continue to drop in the county and the state. Additionally, the vaccine is becoming available to North Carolinians at an even quicker pace than originally anticipated. It is expected that every person in the state who wants a vaccine will be eligible to receive one by May 1.
This is very good news, and it means UNC Charlotte is in a position to plan for a return to full operations in fall 2021.
Here is what we are planning and what you can expect:
- Face-to-face classes will resume at pre-pandemic levels.
- Our residence halls will be at full occupancy.
- Employees will return to their offices, and all campus services will be offered in person.
- All buildings and facilities will return to regular capacity, including dining and recreational options.
- We plan to once again welcome spectators at Charlotte 49ers events, though the exact capacity is still being determined with the state.
We will continue to closely monitor all local and state data as we move forward with our plans, and we will follow all guidance we receive from health officials and the UNC System to ensure our return is done safely.
The COVID-19 vaccine is critical to that effort, and I encourage you to receive your vaccination as soon as you’re eligible. Students with pre-existing health conditions are now eligible for vaccination in Group 4, and we expect our students currently living in on-campus residences to be eligible on April 7. All other students will be eligible in Group 5. More information about how you can locate your vaccine and register for notifications about your eligibility is available on the Niner Nation Cares website. Additionally, we are working with Atrium Health to schedule vaccine clinic opportunities for our students. We will share more information about this as soon as it is available.
We will keep the Niner Nation Cares website updated as we finalize return-to-campus plans, and we will share information through Niner Insider and, as needed, through NinerNotices. Please make sure to monitor your email closely.
I also implore you to remain vigilant in precautionary measures over the next few weeks, especially as the vaccine continues to be rolled out. It is important we continue to maintain our commitment to our 6 W’s — wearing our face coverings, maintaining physical distancing — so we can finish our spring semester as strong as we started it. And so we can be together again this fall.
We can do this, Niners!

Sharon L. Gaber